Sunday, August 5, 2007

Fantastic weekend

My heart goes out to all those who work during the week and spend the weekend running errands. You may not believe this, but I feel so tired just reading about the stuff you people get up to. As for me, my idea of a fantastic weekend is one where I do practically nothing on Saturday, go to church on Sunday then enjoy the rest of the day following up on what I did the day before.....hee hee. Well before any of you turn "green" just trust me when I say that not everyone can cope with my kind of lifestyle. Can you imagine waking up everyday between 8-10am, have breakfast, read the papers (or trash magazines), spend some quality time with God, surf the net, chat on the phone (msn), have lunch, watch some afternoon show on TV, beading (hobby of the month), enjoy a cup of afternoon tea, relax in the garden, have dinner, watch TV, exercise on the treadmill, surf the net and then go to bed? See how boring it is? Maybe that's why I haven't updated my blog for some time now.....nothing exciting to share ha ha ha

1 comment:

... said...

I'm in the same boat as you, mum.

Hmm...maybe I should join a gym.

*reaches for a bar of chocolate*

*munch* *munch*
