Thursday, July 26, 2007

God created roses and dinosaurs....

Check out these beautiful blooms from my garden! It may be winter in Australia but God decided to give me a boost as I was preparing for my talk on "Walking with the Dinosaurs"!!! The same God who created the dinosaurs made these beautiful roses. Why do people doubt God's Word on creation and believe instead on the theory of evolution?Dinosaurs did not walk the earth millions and millions and millions of years ago...they walked with man.....

The Bible speaks clearly of God being the creator of every living creature, and trust me, dinosaurs fall under the "living" category. For more information you can either go to or hear me share on this topic tomorrow at the Breakfast Club. Otherwise you can pick up the Bible and argue with the Almighty!


Wandernut said...

WAH! From your garden ah?


... said...

Wow! Are these from the front garden? Nice..

Anonymous said...

wandernut is speaking the hokkiens!

mak ee did u curi curi dye them? hehehe.. very swee indeed! haha..

Esther Chiong said...

Hey Aunty Lyn!! Haha! Juz leaving some footprints here. Ur talk on dinosaurs during breakfast club and your sermon on growing old gracefully last sunday were great!! You're a very inspirational preacher! Looking forward to your next sermon ady!

lyn said...

Erin, Wandernut & Cheryl...yes from my garden and I did not curi curi dye them ha ha ha.

Es, thanks for your great feedback,....let's give God the glory.